As part of our wedding vows we promised to love each other in sickness and health, but what does that mean? Anyone that knows us well would tell...Read More
On our wedding day we committed to love each other through the difficult times and the not so difficult times. Handling money and the stress that comes with...Read More
A Christian marriage is a union between three: husband, wife, and God. We stand before God and profess our love for each other: for better or worse, for...Read More
Dear Heavenly Father, you know me better than I know myself. Help me to identify the virtues that I am weakest in, especially as it relates to my...Read More
How weird is that. A question mark, an explanation point, what are you talking about? Take a moment and think about the last conversation you and...Read More
First we are dating, then engaged, and finally married. During this initial stage of marriage we are driven by our strong feelings for each other, “the tinglies” phase...Read More
Dear Lord, my God, creator and ruler of the universe. It is you that created me with all of my strengths and weaknesses. You know best the virtues...Read More
When 3M made the Sticky Note they must have known there would be a myriad of uses for this unique and simple product, but I would be surprised...Read More